The Knights Chapter of the National Honor Society (NHS) is an opportunity for selected students to be part of the nationally recognized prestigious group of service-minded individuals. At DMCHS, we invite students with a 3.5 GPA at the beginning of their junior year to consider completing a candidate packet including letters of recommendation and a video. These are reviewed by our Faculty Council, and votes are cast based on their levels of service, leadership, and character. Students voted into our chapter are inducted in late fall each year and have requirements to meet in order to retain their membership. Our chapter focuses on serving others as a group and as individuals, and members cheerfully contribute time and effort to both school and community projects.
Throughout the school year, NHS participates in a variety of group service projects including the DMC school carnival, Phil’s Friends box decorating for cancer patients, welcoming DMC students in the morning, Bingo with elderly residents at Oak Grove, and more!
Each member also does an individual service project each year. The goal is for them to use their God-given skills to give back to those around them.
As seniors, our members fill our leadership positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Our seniors also organize our induction ceremony each year.
The Knights chapter looks forward to many more years of leadership in our schools and in service to our community.