DMCS Educational Philosophy
DeMotte Christian Schools has as its foundation the infallible Word of God as interpreted by the doctrinal standards of the Reformed faith.
The authority of Scripture encompasses education. The goal of all education, according to I Corinthians 1:17, is to help man achieve life’s purpose: to know and serve God. Then, too, the person is to be educated as a unified personality. Genesis 1:27
In addition, true wisdom apart from Christ is not possible. We must see and acknowledge the comprehensive principle for life given in Colossians 2:3, where Paul says this about our Lord: “In Him are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge hidden.” At the same time, the Living Word, Jesus Christ, is the integrating factor for our life…”Who is the same yesterday, today and forever” Hebrews 13:8.
Recognizing and accepting the authority of God’s Word, and Christ as the essence of wisdom and the integral factor for our lives, the following statements summarize our school’s basis of foundation:
- God reveals Himself in His Word, the Bible. This word gives man an understanding of God, of himself, of fellow human beings, and of creation itself. This Word serves as a guide in all of man’s relationships and activities.
- God created man in His own image as the crown of creation and made a covenant with man to be a steward of that creation.
- Man disobeyed God and rejected his responsibility in that covenant. Because of this, sin entered the world, alienating man from God, His creation, his fellow man, and the world became distorted.
- Jesus, the "Word made flesh", was sent by God the Father to redeem His people from sin. Through Christ and by the work of His Spirit, man and creation are renewed and man may again covenant with God to fulfill his original calling and mandate.
- God gives parents the privilege and responsibility of teaching their children the covenant relationship which God made with believers and their children. They must do this in the light of revealed truth.
- Man has discovered and learned about himself and the universe. However, true knowledge can be possible only in the light of God’s revealed truth, the Bible. Man’s knowledge of God, himself and the universe becomes meaningful through the work of the Holy Spirit.
- Education for the Christian becomes whole and meaningful when it is based on the Bible. Upon understanding the proper relationship between God, man, and creation, it is possible to teach that all of life must be consecrated to God, to the service of fellow man, and to being stewards of God’s creation in fulfilling the cultural mandate.
- Christian parents are primarily responsible to educate their children. To fulfill this responsibility, parents establish Christian Schools where Christian teachers, who stand in loco parentis, educate their children. These Christian teachers must be committed to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. This commitment must be reflected in their personal dealings with each other and with their pupils and in their ability to apply these Christian principles to their respective teaching areas. These teachers must be well trained in their respective fields since each pupil must be given the necessary tools with which to carry out his or her task.
- Christian schools organized and administered according to legal standards and provisions of the state should be fully recognized in society as free to function according to these principles.